Uses are also decided for groups, communities and societies. 3. U)���9�l�U��EJ�H$! h�bbd```b``� ";@$� For these diverse dimensions of usage satisfaction, psychologist Herzog (1944) marked them with the term ―gratifications.‖. Suspend value-judgments: Value judgements about cultural significance of mass communication should be suspended while audience operations are explored on their own terms. They suggest that media users seek out a medium source that best fulfills the needs of the user and they have alternate choices to satisfy their need. The assumption is that the people influence the effects that the mass media have on them. Uses and gratifications theory proposes that users/media consumers are actively choosing specific media content according to their needs. Spiral of Silence. Other media effects research sought to discover motives and selection patterns of audiences for the new mass media. It is the theory which explains how people use media for their need and gratification. The mass media is an extremely complex system that responds to the foundation of these theories in media’s everyday production. The uses and gratifications theory (UGT) is a way of understanding why audiences use media and what they use it for. Theoretically and practically, for U&G scholars, however, the … It can be applied to many areas of society from entertainment to news content. Wuse Zone 4, Abuja-Nigeria. Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch (1974) provided a framework for understanding the correlation between media and audience under five. The theory takes out the possibility that the media can have an unconscious influence over our lives and how we view the world. Therefore, mass communication must compete strongly with non-media-related sources and help create a need for itself as well as a proper balance between the two. 08130249781 | Country Code(+234), is an Online based portal that is designed to assist research students with quality, well researched, reliable project materials, Researchbase© All right reserved 2020 // Disclaimer, According to McQuail, (1994) what mass communication scholars today refer to as the Uses and Gratifications (U&G) approach is generally recognized to be a sub-tradition of media effects research. Media audiences also make their own meanings from the content of the media without being forced to think in a certain way. Katz‘s mentor in Columbia University is Paul Lazarsfeld, who is one of the pioneers of gratifications research. There are several needs and gratification for people which are categorized into five namely, Cognitive needs, Affective needs, Personal Integrative needs, Social Integrative needs and Tension-free needs. 6. Some basic assumptions of the approach were proposed when it was rediscovered during that era. It is an audience-centered approach to media study focusing on the uses to which people put media and the gratifications they seek from that use. It should however be noted that needs are individual in nature, and how those needs are satisfied is individualistic. Later, Katz introduced Uses and Gratification approach when he came up with the notion that people use the media to their benefit. Many of the goals of media use can be derived from data supplied by the individual audience members themselves. Since then, the research on this subject has been strengthened and extended. 2072 0 obj <>stream In these studies, researchers discovered a list of functions served either by some specific content or by the medium itself (Katz et al., 1974). Uses and gratification theory is one of many communications theories that help to explain human’s relationship with mass media. According to the theory, media consumers have a free will to decide how they will use the media and how it will affect them. The Uses and Gratification Theory is a theory by Blumer and Katz in which proposes that media users play an active role in choosing and using the media. Other articles summarize how uses and gratifications can inform the connections between mass and interpersonal communication. In response to this, they have created a wide range of choices that will meet these needs. The Uses and Gratification Theory propounded by Elihu Katz, Jay Blumler and Michael Gurevitch in 1974 was used. Critics argue that it is more of an approach to analysis or a data-collecting strategy. The theory indicates what the audience can do with a particular mass media which is a primary strength. Uses and functions of media are different from a person to another and from one situation to other. Early research was concerned with topics such as children's use of comics and the absence of newspapers during a newspaper strike. Taking TV today, most people watch reality shows because it is more realistic, entertaining, interesting, enriched with new concepts (different from other programs), participatory, controversial, emotional and enriched with lots of fun. 7. Among the criticism most commonly raised are: Blumler (1979) and other critics have argued that the line between gratification and satisfaction is blurred, and Blumler wrote that “the nature of the theory underlying uses and gratifications research is not totally clear.‖. Uses and Gratifications approach is an influential tradition in media research. The idea that we simply use the media to satisfy a given need does not seem to fully recognize the power of the media in today‘s society. In contrast to traditional media effects theories which focus on ―what media do to people‖ and assume audiences are homogeneous, Uses and Gratifications approach is more concerned with ―what people do with media‖ (Katz, 1959). In a study Katz, Gurevitch & Haas (1973), the Uses and Gratifications research was explored. Different types of media compete against each other and against other sources of gratification for viewers’ attention.3. Audience is taken as important and goal oriented. Examples include Cantril & Allport (1935) on the radio audience; Waples et al (1940) on reading; Herzog (1940, 1944) on quiz programs and the gratifications from radio daytime serials; Suchman & Thorson (1999) on the motives for listening to serious music; Wolfe & Fiske (1949) on children‘s interest in comics; Berelson (1949) on the functions of newspaper reading; and Lazarsfeld & Stanton. 2. One might be able to report what motivated them to choose a particular medium at a time, but perhaps not what motivated them to choose that medium five weeks prior, therefore providing an assumption of a motivational behavior. USES AND GRATIFICATION THEORY Uses and Gratifications (U&G) is a study of how the audience uses different media (traditional and social) to fulfill their needs and goals. This theory can be said to have a user/audience-centered approach .Even for communication (say inter-personal) people refer to the media for the topic they discuss with themselves. The audience takes an active role in selecting a medium, as well as interpreting it and integrating it into their lives.2. The Uses and Gratifications Approach and The Dependency Theory were two theories that brought forth a new genre of ideas and aspects of cognition to mass communication. Media is taken as a means to an end. He is one of the most well-known that contributed greatly to establishing the structure of the approach. The approach emphasizes audiences‘ choice by assessing their reasons for using a certain media to the disregard of others, as well as the various gratifications obtained from the media, based on individual social and psychological requirements (Severin & Tankard, 1997). Explanation of Theory: Blumler and Katz�s uses and gratification theory suggests that media users play an active role in choosing and using the media. The core question of such research is: Why do people use media and what do they use them for? Uses and gratification theory (UGT) is an audiencecentered approach that focuses on what people do with media, as opposed to what media does to people. There exists a basic idea in this approach: audience members know media content and which media they can use to meet their needs. According to McQuail, (1994) what mass communication scholars today refer to as the Uses and Gratifications (U&G) approach is generally recognized to be a sub-tradition of media effects research. This focuses on the idea that each individual has several needs. Jay Blumler and Denis McQuail The com-mon tendency to attach the label "uses and gratifications approach" to work in this field appears to virtually disclaim any theoretical pre- ทฤษฎีลำดับขั้นความต้องการ ของ Maslow 2. This latter focus of research, conducted in a social-psychological mode, and audience-based, crystallized into the Uses and Gratifications approach (McQuail, 1994). It is asserted that the emergence of computer-mediated communication has revived the significance of uses and gratifications. Active Audience: This idea focuses around the assumption that the viewers are goal-oriented and attempt to achieve their goals through the media source. If there are any effects, these are consciously or at least actionaly intended. Uses and Gratifications assume that the user has alternate choices to satisfy their need. 0 After that, a shift which rediscovered the relationship between media and people occurred and led to establishment of Uses and Gratifications approach. h�b```���o�@(����������AM�U��&�����n/8�TJ��C��(p0�Qd�< F��I~���_�d ��H`+hV��MMf��"�j�`�f�P%���RO��l�,�?�z�� c����h`�@l�Rdw �Q�J�� �FP,��a:H�1��iy � �5�A��[�\FU&e�}L���2md�`��t�q�3��L%�.�c'�-��!�c��Y�� ȼ���ZA��;��Q``���E Some basic assumptions of the approach were proposed when it was rediscovered during that era. Program is same but people use it for different needs. Audience choice: In the mass communication process, much initiative in linking need gratification and media choice lies with the audience member. The UGT refers to the study of the gratifications or benefits that attract and hold users to different media and various contents that fulfill the user’s psychological and social needs (Dunne et al., 2010). Some basic assumptions of the approach were proposed when it was rediscovered during that era. The uses and gratifications theory focuses on an active audience and what people do with media, rather than the effect media has on people. This approach differs from other theoretical perspectives in that it regards audiences as active media users as opposed to passive receivers of information. In other word, the people used media for their ain benefits. This theory had challenged the concept of the entire passive receiver as it concentrated on the active users. Both individual and group needs are fulfilled by media. Gratification theory What are the uses of gratification theory? Despite such criticism, contemporary thought suggests that Uses and Gratifications as theory may be in the process of gaining new life as a result of new communication technology. This can often help an individual cope with circumstances surrounding them most effectively. Blumler and Katz‘s Uses and Gratification Theory suggests that media users play an active role in choosing and using the media. In the mass communication process, Uses and Gratifications approach puts the function of linking need gratifications and media choice clearly on the side of audience members. The U&G theory was proposed as a response to the inconsistent findings and shallow theoretical foundation of … uses and gratifications theory 23 range of communication opportunities, by “laying out a taxonomy of just what goes on in cyberspace” (Newhagen & Rafaeli, 1996, p. 11). )hY�'(�P��u"Y@[��vP�B4�4�t�t��h\$.�X,�N��`�H1�(R)�C�"��)|�wP�5�U�5�U�O���Umi��k��k��k�[�k�-�k����b���Xk�-�k����= �q��;�e���硽��B:~�. This makes self-reports complicated and immeasurable, The theory has been denounced by media hegemony advocates who say it goes too far in claiming that people are free to choose the media and the interpretations they desire, Audience interpret the media in their own terms and any debate for or against this can be argued, and depending on the circumstances, won by either side. The Uses and Gratifications theory is one of the most influential theories in the field of communication research. It suggests that people‘s needs influence what media they would choose, how they use certain media and what gratifications the media give them. Among the group of scholars who focus on Uses and Gratifications research is Elihu Katz. The Uses and Gratification Theory. The source of media is chosen by audience as per their own needs. Each individual‘s actions and effects on those actions will depend solely on the situation. The Uses and Gratification Theory propounded by Elihu Katz, Jay Blumler and Michael Gurevitch in 1974 was used. After that, a shift which rediscovered the relationship between media and people occurred and led to establishment of uses and gratifications approach. Beginning in the 1940s, researchers began seeing patterns under the perspective of the uses and gratifications theory in radio listeners. Competitive market: The media compete with other sources of need satisfaction. Other media effects research sought to discover motives and selection patterns of audiences for the new mass media. This theory gives alternative choices on media for the audience. 2.1 Antecedents of uses and gratifications theory and usage intention. Beginning in the 1940s, researchers began seeing patterns under the perspective of the uses and gratifications theory in radio listeners. Information and Education – the viewer wants to acquire information, knowledge and understanding by watching programmes like The News or Documentaries. Uses and Gratifications approach prevailed between the 1950s and 1970s when television gained high acceptability. 2012 0 obj <> endobj There are many different types of music and we choose from them to fulfill a particular need. :�n�C� Op��g���(%�vfMw���0}�e��?���J ��9������/���No�M�E�/����wV7f�a��|�H_`���g���� 41-�������yϘu�I�?�[몦4���p��= 3B�n��|&L(B�ŹL��x�S�6�O���pc�6��;�oc�D�N�7��i����[��}� ��#[�b����9z����3_��D$\�~�DB�K� ������Mv��s��W�*�@Zħ�cDCk�Es��a��ahMAU�����Qt�W�>�`�������B� HISTORY The Uses and Gratification Theory was developed by Jay G. Blumler and Elihu Katz on 1970s, and was having its first formal presentation on 1974s. The main idea is that people turn to media to assist them in fulfilling certain needs that used to be filled by just talk to other people. (1942, 1944, 1949) on different media genres. Uses and gratifications was first introduced in the 1940s as scholars began to study why people choose to consume various forms of media. According to Lowery & Nabila (1999) this theory states what people do with media rather than what media do to people. Uses and gratification is a dynamic approach that has adapted and expanded its scope with the development of technology in the 1980s and 1990s and the Internet and has increased program options and control. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. The exploration of gratifications that motivate people to be attracted to certain media is almost as old as empirical mass communication research itself (McQuail, 1983). Moreover, researches also happened on the effects of the absence of newspaper during a newspaper strike. For instance, radio soap operas were found to satisfy their listeners with advice, support, or occasions for emotional release (Herzog, 1944; Warner and Henry, 1948); rather than just offering information, newspaper was also discovered to be important to give readers a sense of security, shared topics of conversation and a structure to the daily routine (Berelson, 1949). The current status of uses and gratifications is still based on Katz‘s first analysis, particularly as new media forms have emerged in such an electronic information age when people have more options of media use. %PDF-1.6 %���� Uses and Gratifications approach prevailed between the 1950s and 1970s when television gained high acceptability. Studies also happened on the kid’s comics. แนวคิดทฤษฏี และงานวิจัยที่เกี่ยวข้อง 1. The strongest rival to media-based sources include face-to-face communication. While it was easy to question the agency of media consumers who had three television networks from which to choose, it‘s much harder to argue that a consumer who now has 100 cable channels and Internet-streaming video is not making his own decisions. 1. We select music not only to fit a particular mood but also in attempts to show empowerment or other socially conscience motives. Development of the Uses and Gratifications Theory 23 Uses and Gratifîcations Assumptions 26 Motivations for Choosing Mass Media 27 Demographic Factors 27 Uses and Gratif cations Critics 28 ni . This theory states that consumers use the media to … Functional theory influenced studies on communication from the 1920s to the 1940s. Uses and Gratification theory can be seen in cases such as personal music selection. This belongs to the indirect effect theory. However, the Uses and Gratification Theory relies heavily on self-reports, which is a common criticism. Each individual has unique uses to which the media attempts to meet such gratifications. Blumler and Katz believe that there is not merely one way that the populace uses media. The uses and gratifications theory assumes the audience chooses what it wants to watch for five different reasons. Early in the history of communications research, an approach was developed to study the gratifications that attract and hold audiences to the kinds of media and the types of content that satisfy their social and psychological needs (Cantril, 1942). It is normally affected by single ends, demand and desire. The Uses and Gratification theory discusses the effects of the media on people. Elihu Katz has served both as a sociologist and as a communication researcher. It also is focused too narrowly on the individual and neglects the social structure and place of the media in, ← Communication Theory-Agenda Setting Theory, Communication Theory-Agenda Setting Theory, Banking and Finance Project Topics and Materials, Business Administration Project Topics and Materials, Chemical Engineering Project Topics and Materials, Civil Engineering Project Topics and Materials, Computer Engineering Project Topics and Materials, Computer Science Project Topics and Materials, Electrical Engineering Project Topics and Materials, English Language Project Topics and Materials, Estate Management Project Topics and Materials, Industrial Relation and Personnel Management Project Topics and Materials, Mass Communication Project Topics and Material, Mechanical Engineering Project Topics and Materials, Microbiology Project Topics and Materials, Political Science Project Topics & Materials, Public Admininstration Project Topics and Materials, THE IMPACT OF NOT TOO YOUNG TO RUN LAW ON NIGERIA YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN 2019 GENERAL ELECTION, PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA AS AN EFFECTIVE TOOL TO CHECKMATE THE ACTIVITIES OF GOVERNANCE, CONTENT ANALYSIS OF PRESS COVERAGE OF POLITICAL ISSUES IN VANGUARD AND LEADERSHIP NEWSPAPERS, SOCIAL MEDIA AS A TOOL OF KNOWLEDGE AMONG UNDERGRADUATE MASS COMMUNICATION STUDENTS, STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF ONLINE MEDIA PATRONAGE OVER TRADITIONAL MEDIA, NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AS AN AGENDA SETTER OF HEALTH ISSUES IN NIGERIA: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF SELECTED NEWSPAPERS, Analysis of Media Representation of Fulani Herdsmen’s Crises in Selected Nigerian Newspapers, THE KINETIC STUDY ON HYDROLYSIS OF CELLULOSE (SAW-DUST), PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS ON MORINGA OLEIFERA AND AZADRICHTA INDICA LEAVES, MODIFICATION OF SURFACE, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ACTIVATED CARBONS FOR WATER PURIFICATION, HEAD LOSES IN HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ORIFICEMETER. The spiral of silence theory, which states that those who hold a minority opinion … Dating back to the 1940s, researchers became interested in the reasons for listening to different radio programmes, such as soap operas and quizzes, as well as daily newspaper (Lazrsfeld & Stanton, 1944, 1949; Herzog, 1944; Warner & Henry, 1948.) Gratifications are more dependent on input by researchers than on decisions made by research subjects, Early research required participants to identify gratifications associated with specific channels of communication, raising the possibility that they would conflate gratifications and channels, this could ―substantially overestimate‖ the number of gratifications, Audiences of different ages likely have different motivations for using identical media, and also likely have different gratifications, Due to the individualistic nature of uses and gratifications, it is difficult to take the information that is collected in studies. Uses and gratification theory builds off of a history of communication theories and research. Uses and Gratifications Theory posits a few basic assumptions:1. According to Luo (2002), consumers actively choose a particular medium to use because of certain motives and the medium’s ability to fulfill certain gratifications and needs. �df��7��4�Ed�l0�&����@$�>X�,�f��IG0y D2ā�-�@�q�"������e�A"ESA�0TvC�T�fk���� ��H�y:�����=l�#�3��y` )�� 8. [1] Concepts in Uses and Gratification Theory: Unlike other media effect theories that focus on "what media do to people", UGT is about “what people do… Most research relies on pure recollection of memory rather than data. Each of these studies formulated a list of functions served either by some specific content or by the medium itself: To match one‘s wits against others, to get information and advice for daily living, to provide a framework for one‘s day, to prepare oneself culturally for the demands of upward mobility, or to be reassured about the dignity and usefulness of one‘s role (Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch, 1974). A sociologist and as a sociologist and as a sociologist and as a communication researcher selection of information theory by! Approach prevailed between the 1950s and 1970s when television gained high acceptability Gurevitch ( )! To think in a certain way was rediscovered during that era mass and communication... Words, it can be seen in cases such as personal music selection a common criticism actions and on. Source that best fulfills the needs of the approach were proposed when was! 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