Most simply, the psalms all come after Moses (who wrote Psalm 90) and before Jesus. In the morning of youth it flourisheth, and groweth up; beauty, vigour, wealth, prosperity make them appear like the verdant field, but momentary is the joy: in the evening it is cut down and withereth, the beauty fades, the strength fails, the possessions vanish; when death, the mower, puts in the sickle, and under disease, or age, the enfeebled body bends to the tomb. If the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, it will cover over our foulness and deformity. "Commentary on Psalms 90:17". The two great instruments of modern scientific investigation, the telescope and the microscope, have enlarged our knowledge of God’s works in opposite directions. Beauty—Understand the word in the sense of grace, favour. August 2013; Bibelverse nach Themen . If a man who has been wronged, having both right and power on his side, yet forbears to take revenge and heaps kindness on his enemy, poetry will celebrate his act, and every heart that listens to it will respond. Yes, certainly. I. The vanity of earthly enjoyments, and the folly of seeking happiness in things so fleeting and unsatisfactory. (3) Unity is an element of beauty. With an acknowledgment of God's goodness to his people. A sense of the Divine beauty gives an elevation to all life, and clothes it with a certain infinite halo of gladness. What we are to aim at, in our pursuit of holiness—, [It is not any one grace, or any particular set of graces, that we should seek after, but an entire conformity to the image of our God. II. https: The beautiful hand is the hand that has wrought something for the benefit and enrichment of humanity, that has achieved something for the common good. Copyright StatementThe New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. Learn more. ix., p. 361; F. Tholuck, Hours of Devotion, p. 483. (7) Naturalness and unconsciousness must be added as necessary to all the elements of beauty. Like corn: first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear; like the growth of trees: first the seedling, then the young tree fenced round, then the large tree fully developed, with its beautiful arch reflecting perfectly the great arch of the majestic sky overhead; like light: first the twilight, then the silver dawn gradually growing into the golden splendours of noon. Perfect beauty is the fruit of activity ever tending towards useful and beneficent ends. God may put us in the furnace, but He will never heat it too highly: the picture will never be marred--never: “He will finish the work.”, II. 2 Before the mountains were born,. The beautiful is free, expansive, flowing. There are some elements of moral character which we cannot see displayed in men or illustrated in their actions without the heart rising up to greet them with delight. (R. The privilege mentioned in our text consists of two parts: a vision of the beauty of the Lord, and an appropriation of Him as our God. They who look often in their glass, should look oftener into their coffin; this will check the pride of beauty. The beauty of God upon the primitive Church drew the eyes of the heathen toward her, and forced from them the exclamation, “Behold these Christians, how they love one another.” The beauty of God upon the disciples caused the people around to wonder, and take “knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.” The beauty of God upon the members of the Church has been drawing and assimilating men of all tribes and all ages. Psalm 90 Einheitsübersetzung 2016 Der ewige Gott - der vergängliche Mensch 1 Ein Bittgebet des Mose, des Mannes Gottes. / 2 Ehe denn die Berge wurden und die Erde und die Welt geschaffen wurden, bist du, Gott, von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit. For this is a characteristic of God’s work as distinguished from man’s, that it carries a measure of beauty with it from the beginning through all its stages. We must not seek it directly, else we shall certainly miss it. Verse 17. It is a perception of the beauty of God, a delight in it, a desire after it, which distinguish the spiritual man from others. Either the grace and favour of God, his gracious presence vouchsafed in his ordinances, which makes his tabernacles amiable and lovely, and his ways of pleasantness; or the righteousness of Christ, which is that comeliness he puts upon his people, whereby they become a perfection of beauty; or the beauty of holiness, which appears on them, when renewed and sanctified by the Spirit; every grace is beautiful and ornamental: or Christ himself may be meant; for the words may be rendered, "let the beauty of the Lord be with us"F11עלינו "adsis nobis", Tigurine version, Junius & Tremellius; Heb. 1. See then in him, and in his cross, not some perfections only, but all, even all the perfections of the Godhead shining in their utmost splendour. 1599-1645. let the beauty — or sum of His gracious acts, in their harmony, be illustrated in us, and favor our enterprise. Reader, what say you to this security? The Mediator, Jesus Christ, is now glorified at His Father’s right hand in our nature; and has received all power in heaven and on earth,--power directly official and mediatorial, for the purpose of completing those objects that brought Him into our world corporeally. 1874-1909. 2 HERR Gott, du bist unsere Zuflucht für und für. What wisdom too is displayed in this way of making the truth of God, which denounced death as the penalty of sin, to consist with the happiness and salvation of those who had committed it! PSALM 90 * God’s Eternity and Human Frailty. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. (1) The eternal power of God convicts us of helplessness. But now, lest we should lose the thought in words, or fail to grasp the thing signified, just because it is so far above out of our sight, let us mention two or three particulars, the absence of any one of which in the revelation of what God is would be fatal to the beauty, and therefore fatal to the admiration, of God. But it is a strong and abundant life that is beautiful. II. ]!”, It is by the public ordinances chiefly that he will make these revelations of himself to us: and hence it was that David so exceedingly delighted in the house of God, saying, “One thing have I desired of the Lord, which I will seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord [Note: Psalms 27:4. https: God does not prosper our laziness, but our labour. He must certainly not forget the relations to God, and to the future, and to men as spiritual beings. The same may be said of generosity. Log In/Sign Up New International Version (NIV) ... Psalm 90:17 in all English translations. He had the repose of a perfectly balanced soul, of strength and love, of patience, meekness, and unshaken trust in God. Blessed be God, the Divine nature can be restored to us, “Where sin abounded grace did much more abound,” and as at the Cross we receive pardon and remission of our sins, so in vital union with Christ do we receive the new nature and the new name. 15 Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast … And let the beauty of the Lord, &c.] i.e. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. Scripture Formatting × Scripture Formatting. Psalm 90:17 - ELB. Update. BibliographyHawker, Robert, D.D. And we shall all, I think, be willing to place first, and not last, the Divine holiness as an attribute essential to the perfect Being. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us - The word translated “beauty” - נעם nô‛am - means properly “pleasantness;” then, beauty, splendor; then grace or layout. Bible Study; Pastors; Search. There is nothing religious in the clearest conviction of mortality, if it stands alone. You would name the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the life whose motto was, “Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?” and whose record was, “He went about doing good.” And herein was its beauty, that though cut off in its prime, He could say, “I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.” And I want you to feel that “the beauty of the Lord our God” may be upon us in all honest, earnest doing. The arrangement of the psalms into five books goes back at least to the time when the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek (the Septuagint) approximately 200 B.C. “Grace” means both kindness and loveliness, or, as we might distinguish, both graciousness and gracefulness. In like manner, all work will be perpetual that is done with “the beauty of the Lord our God” upon the doers of it. And then, note further, that this gracious gentleness and long-suffering, giving mercy of God, when it comes down upon a man, makes him, too, beautiful with a reflected beauty. “Establish Thou the work of our hands,” etc. We all feel moral beauty to be the highest. Unity is an element of beauty. Our work will be established if it is His work. ].” We know that “in his face all the glory of the Godhead shines;” and that on that account the god of this world is so anxious to blind our eyes, and to hide him from our view [Note: 2 Corinthians 4:4.]. 1. Contemplate for one moment the union of strength and beauty in our great Exemplar, Christ; and the degree to which that strength, in Him so peculiar, lay in His beauty of character. It is a joy from beholding beauty of the loftiest and tenderest kind, and must be productive of beauty. 2 v Before the w mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, x from everlasting to everlasting you are God.. 3 You return man to dust and say, y “Return, z O children of man!” 2 4 For a a thousand years in your sight are but as b yesterday when it is past, There was a time, perhaps, when we could take some pleasure and delight in what we were, or what we vainly fancied we would be. Their beauty is not their own; it is wholly due to the colours which emanate from the sun itself. 17 (A)And let the beauty of the Lordour God be upon us, And (B)establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands. Bibelvers des Tages. Commentary by J.C.Philpot on select texts of the Bible. The effects which the beauty of the Lord our God produces; it establishes the work of our hands; yea, most certainly the work of our hands shall be established. Learn more. Fear not, said he, to the dying Patriarch, fear not to go down into Egypt, I will go with thee. ].”], 2. Unfading. II. Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible Bible study and devotional books listed below. stand perpendicular); hence (causatively) to set up, in a great variety of applications See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. The distortion and deformity of the Deity have long enough followed mankind. When you bring your wills into harmony with God’s will, and so all your effort, even about the little things of daily life, is in consonance with His will, and in the line of His purpose, then your work will stand. READER, have you ever contemplated, in the point of view this blessed Psalm represents it, the dying circumstances of a perishing world? Psalm 89 Psalm 91 ... Advance your knowledge of Scripture with this resource library of over 40 reference books, including commentaries and Study Bible notes. Try it for 30 days FREE. https: The pious Jews had this more at heart than their own restoration; it was their highest grief that the temple was destroyed and God's ordinances suspended; that his enemies insulted them, and blasphemed the worthy name by which they were called. In Psalms 90:7-10 man is represented not as unfortunate, but as guilty, not as the victim of accident, but as the subject of punishment. This prayer expresses a deep longing, natural to all men, and which yet seems incompatible with the stern facts of mortality and decay. 1 A prayer of Moses, the man of God. (4) But unity must never be so understood as to seem in conflict with freedom. Yea, the work of our hands establish thou it - The repetition of the prayer here is emphatic. We do not make beauty. Unity and freedom are both included in this utterance, as they are in the truth of things--“I will walk at liberty because I seek Thy precepts.” Joy also is an element of beauty. Frew. Submit. And how bright does mercy appear, in that, rather than man should perish after the example of the fallen angels, God vouchsafed to give his only dear Son to die for us, and to effect our reconciliation by the blood of his cross! It speaks of a wide horizon. (3.) Green. It is significant that religion should be always spoken of in the Bible as a work of Divine “grace” in the heart; and “grace” is an essential element in our conception of beauty. Study Tools; Scripture Engagement; More Resources; Explore More; Newsletters; Devotionals; Bible Gateway App; Bible Audio App; Bible Gateway Blog; Bible Gateway Plus. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us. ].” In this sense the beauty of the Lord our God shall be upon all his children, according as it is written, “He that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself even as he is pure [Note: 1 John 3:3. ]: so that the words which we hear or read may be heard or read by thousands; but to us only, that is, to those only who are truly penitent and believing, will he “manifest forth his glory,” so as to constrain us to cry out, “How great is his goodness! So it is equally true of the believer. The promises of the Divine Word are also replete with assurances of the restoration of our fallen nature. Try it for 30 days FREE. The cry of the worker in a fleeting world for the perpetuity of his work. If from the works of creation we turn our eyes to the dispensations of Providence, we shall see all the same perfections illustrated and displayed to yet greater advantage; because they; shew how entirely every created being, however unconscious, or however adverse, fulfils his will, and executes hit designs — — —. It grows. It is universally attainable, for “it is unto all and upon all them that believe.” (John Dunlop. Psalm 90:17, ESV: "Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!" The wish is clearly that all that there is, in the divine character, which is “beautiful,” which is suited to win the hearts of people to admiration, gratitude, and love - might be so manifested to them, or that they might so see the excellency of his character, and that his dealings with them might be such, as to keep the beauty, the loveliness, of that character constantly before them. VI. Swing.). 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