Wasteland Viper’s deathtouch is more impressive that way. ### The Best Commanders in EDH [Tier list] _____ **Welcome everybody to the EDH Tier List where you can find Top EDH (Commander) decks A complete list of the top tier 1 Commander decks updated to October 2020 Name Meta % Decks Price; Tymna the Weaver: 1.08%: 105 $3756 $323 Thrasios, Triton Hero: 0.97%: … That serves double duty for Yisan, as his curveballs are his most valued asset. ... such as EDHRec, and mtgtop8. Golos is becoming quite popular - it's ranked third this week on EDHREC just behind, you guessed it, Yarok, the Desecrated and Kykar, Wind's Fury.Golos is a dirty cheater, letting you play spells for free with an activation, but in a way that's much more exciting than Jodah, Archmage Eternal. First of all, we need the lands that can find us the all-important forests: Myriad Landscape and Blighted Woodland. A landfall ability triggers whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control for any reason. Puns, obscure references, everything. Orzhov Auras Orzhov Auras. However, before we know which cards to add, we need to know our current creature curve: As evident, we lack any creature with mana cost 2. Keep in mind that some of these effect apply to all players, so pay attention to the rest of the table. Lotus Cobra is getting reprinted in Zendikar Rising, so grab one or two while they are cheap. Niv to Light Niv to Light. 8 Magic cards found where the name is exactly “lotus cobra” First we’ll filled the 7-cost slot with Regal Force (awesome in it’s own right, especially in mono-green) and Deceiver of Form. Sometimes a letter will have too few options, sometimes a letter will have numerous cards you’d want in the deck. Oran-Rief Hydra can get out of control. Willem-Jan is a true Melvin; nothing is more beautiful than the mechanical interactions of the card on the battlefield. Let’s take a look at how much the Bident is played in Kaseto and Edric. Lotus Cobra’s ability isn’t a mana ability. We can of course add some more creature that help in that regard, like Willow Satyr and Elvish Piper. Zendikar Rising (307/274) Lotus Cobra. Discuss. And since the number of available letters is quickly dwindling, we will focus on the function of these creatures in our deck: ramp and removal. We could create a deck where all first letters of the card names in our library combine to create the “complete” alphabet 4 times over. Gyre Sage can easily make 2+ mana, especially when we tutor for the right creatures. Thus, slowly but surely, we finish the quadruple alphabet. MTGTop8 Decks. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. These decks often take advantage of cards that return lands to hand such as Meloku the Clouded Mirror or Multani, Yavimaya’s Avatar in order to get multiple triggers per turn. For ramp, we have a few creatures that are all-stars in this deck. One big drawback is that some good haste enablers start with the most competitive letter in the Magic alphabet: the “S” (Swiftfoot Boots and Surrak, the Hunt Caller). One big drawback is that some good haste enablers start with the most competitive letter in the Magic alphabet: the “S” (, Adding counters was a little easier than initially anticipated. Thus, slowly but surely, we finish the quadruple alphabet. The Retreat Cycle. Popular Commander Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results. From this we can deduce the critical letters are those with less than 100 cards: I, J, Q, U, Y, Z. Navigacija objava ← Prethodno can you sacrifice skirk prospector to itself. Three things improve the effectiveness of Yisan’s ability: granting haste, untapping, and adding counters. The scarcer the better. Increasing your number of colors naturally increases your choice in lands and is a fine way to “lower the difficulty” of this deck-building method. Therefore, we add Lotus Cobra and Ohran Viper. Unsurprisingly, the silliest of them all live in EDH, but before we get to that, let's go into a little history of competitive decks that… The fairly recent green Deserts like Hashep Oasis help us tremendously in this regard (and create repeatable graveyard removal with Scavenger Grounds). Of course we add in some final ramp like One with Nature, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Keep in mind that some of these effect apply to all players, so pay attention to the rest of the table. Secondly, we try to ramp ourselves some with Ancient Tomb and Temple of the False God. If we count the number of cards starting with a certain letter, you get the result visible in the table below. These 41 nonland cards in the deck don’t appear on the EDHREC page for Yisan: Cards Shaped AnewUncommon Letters (15)1 Instill Energy1 Indrik Stomphowler1 Ivy Lane Denizen1 Jadelight Ranger1 Jugan, the Rising Star1 Juniper Order Druid1 Qasali Slingers1 Quarry Hauler1 Ulvenwald Observer1 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre1 Yavimaya Dryad1 Zendikar Farguide1 Zendikar’s Roil1 ZoologistSynergy (6)1 Awakening1 Emerald Charm1 Maulfist Revolutionary1 Nature’s Chosen1 Pir, Imaginative Rascal1 Patron of the OrochiWin Condition (10)1 Deceiver of Form1 Dawntreader Elk1 Gyre Sage1 Kraul Harpooner1 Lotus Cobra1 Nullstone Gargoyle1 Resilient Khenra1 Vine Trellis1 Whisperer of the Wilds1 Wasteland ViperAdding Value (10)1 Burnished Hart1 Elixir of Immortality1 Khalni Heart Expedition1 Krosan Tusker1 Ohran Viper1 One with Nature1 Perilous Vault1 Rabid Bite1 Verdurous Gearhulk1 Willow Satyr. Another example is the haste-granting and creature-untapping abilities we already include in our 99. They come into play untapped and make green mana; an uncommon sight in non-basic lands. Originally, we were not allowed to use more than fifteen nonland cards used in the commander’s average EDHREC decklist. Edh commander list. There are a lot of ways to construct a pile of 99 cards using card names in an interesting way. 358/361 +229 Bonus. Opponents may respond to it before you have that mana. Sometimes a letter will have too few options, sometimes a letter will have numerous cards you’d want in the deck. This is our current alphabetical situation: Those last few cards can be exciting and give us some additional synergies. Notify me of new comments via email. For our challenge, lands are most important. Now, concerning removal, we make use of the fact Yisan’s ability is at instant speed. Greeting fellow EDH addicts. Use Emiel the Blessed's activated ability to repeatedly flicker Dockside Extortionist for infinite mana. According to EDHREC, the Bident is played in 82% of Kaseto decks, and is played in 51% of Edric decks, which makes sense because Edric already does what the Bident does. Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may add one mana of any color. Tapped Out Decks. Cast Dockside Extortionist when opponent has 4 or more artifacts. His favourite interaction? so my dad, what are they gonna do probably not escape to the wilderness? Adding counters was a little easier than initially anticipated. That’s why cards like Command Tower or Reflecting Pool actually are fine additions to the list. Probably if they're playing a lotus Cobra, they're not gonna follow it up with the sweeper. Its hood blossoms as a warning: receive your gift, but stray no closer. Wincon: With Omnath in play. or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. This will challenge us to make some unconventional choices for cards during the deck’s construction. EDHREC relies on ads to pay server costs and fund new features. This is a very gimmicky method, as you’re denying yourself options for arbitrary reasons. Lotus Cobra’s ability uses the stack and players may respond to it. An easy example is using only one letter as the first letter of each nonland card (I would recommend the “S” for some awesome snow-covered goodness). The second thing we need are higher-up creatures. so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mutate the dream tale Heron onto it to make myself a small army of flyers this card. We’ll want as many Forests and Snow-Covered Forests as we can get our hands on. I actually found a few gems I never knew myself, and fitting every card into the deck gave a wonderful feeling. Haste is a little less common in green. From this article onwards, the rules for additional cards will change slightly. So how do we win? I’m interested how you, as a reader, liked this kind of article? Updated Oct 13, 2020 by smilodex using our MTG Deck Builder. Sylvan Caryatid; (2017-11-17) Lotus Cobra’s ability uses the stack and players may respond to it. General Discussion Commander Legends. Omnath, Locus of Creation Landfall. In any case, the next article will return to old form with something exileting – I mean, exciting! Then we try to find those lands that have difficult letters: already finding a solution for those cards loosens our choices further down the road. Colorless lands are far more common, and thus need their own kind of focus. Lurrus of the Dream-Den; Hateful Eidolon; Alseid of Life's Bounty; META% 7.6% (23) Tabletop $ 175 MTGO 71 tix Sylvan Caryatid. Now, concerning removal, we make use of the fact Yisan’s ability is at instant speed. It isn’t a mana ability because the event that causes it to trigger isn’t a mana ability. Probably my favorite part about Tayam is how many Abzan combos fit in this deck and actually synergize extremely well with it. We really do need those green sources. Different strategies will be explored to find original strategies for these popular commanders. the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Lotus Cobra. ... EDHRec Analysis. I was surprised to see Avenger of Zendikar so high up on the usage list, but there it is. (2020-09-25) See cards from the most recent sets and discover what players just like you are saying about them. Notify me of new posts via email. Another way is self-imposed rules. Opponents may respond to it before you have that mana. Cube Cobra's hosting fees are covered completely by donations. Basic lands are key. Another point of focus is the use of uncommon letters, which we’ve determined before. Battle for Zendikar featured a cycle of landfall enchantments. Different strategies will be explored to find original strategies for these popular commanders. 3. For some letters, the choice is hardly there. A Short History of Jank Throughout Magic's history, there have been a handful of decks that became infamous due to running combos that are extremely convoluted and time-consuming to execute. Tunneling Geopede deals a lot of incremental damage of the course of the game. Those of us highly skilled in math can conclude that 4 x 25 letters = 100 cards in a commander deck. Creature — Snake. Therefore, we add Lotus Cobra and Ohran Viper. Puns, obscure references, everything. How can we improve his ability while complying to the alphabet? English is not my first language, and my, This will challenge us to make some unconventional choices for cards during the deck’s construction. That’s why we’re tackling the land problem while we still have the full array of possibilities. Lotus Cobra card database entry. You can put them on the stack in any order. Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, add one mana of any color. 1 Lotus Cobra 1 Ob Nixilis, the Fallen 1 Zealous Conscripts 1 Tireless Tracker 1 Groundskeeper 1 Mina and Denn, Wildborn 1 Whiptongue Hydra 1 Avenger of Zendikar 1 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed 1 Craterhoof Behemoth 1 Titania, Protector of Argoth 1 Omnath, Locus of Rage 1 Wayward Swordtooth 1 Nesting Dragon 1 Rampaging Baloths 1 The Gitrog Monster Lotus Cobra’s ability isn’t a mana ability. Scryfall is not produced by or endorsed by these services. A very important note to make is that we are mono-green. We only want our opponents untapping their, Haste is a little less common in green. Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. There are tons of options to try. 1. These allow for a quicker and increased usage of the creature-tutoring activated ability. “So, which set of arbitrary rules will we be setting for ourselves?” I hear you ask. By curving out! The landfall ability triggers whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control for any reason. Of course, the self-imposed rules did force us to make concessions in our choice of cards, but that’s part of the fun. But I'll be making the copies of it not quite when I want to if I wait for this Derek. The one where he beats his opponents. Combos. Scryfall is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, The curve is okay, we can already win, so this last effort will focus on just adding value; cards we’re happy to have in our hands. View … Price: $5.99. The second idea stemmed from attempting to write an article about Golos, Tireless Pilgrim for this week. From this article onwards, the rules for additional cards will change slightly. When a land enters the battlefield under your control, each landfall ability of the permanents you control will trigger. A landfall ability doesn’t trigger if a permanent already on the battlefield becomes a land. Welcome to another iteration of Shape Anew, where we will create a decklist around a commander with 500+ decks on EDHREC. Choosing a mono-colored deck cranked up the difficulty setting a notch, so if it all seemed a little extreme for you, adding one or two colors makes it very manageable. I admit the deck is gimmicky, but that’s not a bad thing. English is not my first language, and my Magic hobby helped me discover that the English alphabet consists of 26 letters. Of course we add in some final ramp like, , it’s wise to add some more Snakes (with different mana costs) to the deck, so we can tutor them with Yisan and get our cost-reduction because of the Orochi’s, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). about Magic: The Gathering, including card images, the mana symbols, and Oracle text, Opponents may respond to it before you have that mana. If it’s as interesting to read as it was to write, I have some other gimmicks to exploit you might enjoy! You can put them on the stack in any order. This is why the letter “X” was excluded: it only has 2 choices in nonland cards and is therefore impossible to work with under our current self-imposed ruleset. December 11, 2018 by The deck ain’t too bad, and would fare perfectly fine in a casual playgroup. Well… I like playing with words. If we can pull this off, it’s be awesome. Colorless lands are far more common, and thus need their own kind of focus. Whisperer of the Wilds is similar in the way that we need to drop our decent-sized creatures to further accelerate into even better-sized creatures. We only want our opponents untapping their Godsire if we get something in return. Luckily, further green sources are available. This narrows the cards we can actually choose from for the deck, which is nice, but also further narrows our possible lands. First we’ll filled the 7-cost slot with, Those last few cards can be exciting and give us some additional synergies. At each step, we’ll narrow our choice of cards, and without a decent manabase the whole deck falls apart. For one-off effects like Benefactor’s Draught or Emerald Charm (which has some additional functionalities) to repeatable effects like Curse of Bounty. Green deck usage: 21%. Are you inspired to do something similar, or would you rather return to the casual strategies? The Slack, Discord, Cash App, PayPal, and Patreon logos Willem-Jan can be found on twitter @ellogeyen. Now, I know that getting Yisan to 9+ counters is magical Christmas land, but even Christmas happens once each year. 280/280 +106 Bonus. Land decks seek to play multiple lands per turn with cards like Wayward Swordtooth and Azusa, Lost but Seeking in order to generate value from Landfall cards like Lotus Cobra and Roil Elemental. The last ability you put on the stack will be the first one that resolves. Greeting fellow EDH addicts. are copyright their respective owners. Four times “A” as the first letter in a name, four times “B,” etc. Now we’re at this marvel’s endgame. The literal and graphical information presented on this site Absolutely no guarantee is made for any price information. I think the average deck from the brand new edhrec oathbreaker section that I listed above is such a good place to start, I'm going to leave those cards in place for the most part and add to the deck in a way that preserves the feel of winning that way but adds more cards in order for us to be able to play it in Commander but also be equipped to deal 120 damage rather than 20. Card prices and promotional offers represent daily estimates and/or market values provided by our affiliates. Portions of Scryfall are unofficial Fan Content permitted under Constructing the deck was actually very challenging and fun, and that experience alone was worth the journey. In the last few years, additions like Pir, Imaginative Rascal and Maulfist Revolutionary make this strategy more feasible. Time to reevaluate some cards for Gruul lands decks! #broken fall, #cindervines, #colossal majesty, #diligent farmhand, #Field of the Dead, #font of fertility, #garruk primal hunter, #into the north, #lord windgrace, #lotus cobra, #mina and denn wildborn, #Radha Heart of Keld, #realm seekers, #runic armasaur, #splendid rec, #wayfarers bauble Read More » The first is the addition of Grid Draft! Untapping is very present in green’s slice of the color pie. Luckily, Lightning Greaves and Concordant Crossroads are available to us. The last few cards, the last few lettered slots. The last ability you put on the stack will be the first one to resolve. Now, we have to use at least 40 cards not featured on the EDHREC main page of the chosen commander. Some letters are more commonly used as the first letter in a Magic card name than others. From Magic The Gathering: Commander to Commander 2020, the product has rarely changed. Note: this deck has no signature spell.For better results, click a signature spell from the oathbreaker page to see the "both" page. The second thing we need are higher-up creatures. It isn’t a mana ability because the event that causes it to trigger isn’t a mana ability. And who can better face these poetic alphabet challenges than our very own. Okay, I get down the cutie scoot now. However, it is also another way to create original decks, and sometimes discover awesome interactions. is similar in the way that we need to drop our decent-sized creatures to further accelerate into even better-sized creatures. A reprinting in a Duel Decks helped stabilize this once-$15+ card, so now you can pick one up for barely more than the price of a booster pack.Avenger will never be the most powerful card in your deck, but it will often be one of the most synergistic and fun ones. Cast Emiel the Blessed.2. Originally, we were not allowed to use more than fifteen nonland cards used in the commander’s average EDHREC decklist. If we dismiss the “X” as a letter – the reasons for which will be explained down below – only 25 letters remain. We can of course add some more creature that help in that regard, like Willow Satyr and Elvish Piper. , where we will create a decklist around a commander with 500+ decks on EDHREC. Well… I like playing with words. It triggers whenever you play a land, as well as whenever a spell or ability (such as Rampant Growth) causes you to put a land onto the battlefield under your control. Welcome to another iteration of. According to EDHREC, the Bident is played in 82% of Kaseto decks, and is played in 51% of Edric decks, ... *1 Lotus Cobra *1 Matsu-Tribe Sniper *1 Mystic Snake *1 Ohran Viper *1 Orochi Eggwatcher *1 Orochi Sustainer *1 Patagia Viper *1 Patron of the Orochi *1 Prophet of Kruphix Search for the perfect addition to your deck. Now, we have to use at least 40 cards not featured on the EDHREC main page of the chosen commander. In the last few years, additions like. Lotus Cobra’s ability isn’t a mana ability. Previous articles managed to comply to this rule already, so it only seems fitting to up our hipster-ness in this way. In addition you also have Evolution Sage, which is only worth it if you run a decent amount of planeswalkers or lands that use +1/+1 counters.It also works amazingly with Undergrowth Champion, an already powerful Landfall card.. This all changes with Zendikar Rising, however, as this set’s deck selection is very different to the flagship Commander product. An additional benefit is the fact that both of them can be tutored by Yisan himself. View legality, oracle text, pricing, ratings, and more. Zendikar Rising. As evident, we lack any creature with mana cost 2. Another example is the haste-granting and creature-untapping abilities we already include in our 99. 2020-09-25 Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each landfall ability of the permanents you control will trigger. It will even trigger when a spell or ability causes another player to put a land onto the battlefield under your control (as can happen with Yavimaya Dryad’s ability, for example). (42 cards, 42 distinct) - Exploration, Wooded Foothills, Flooded Strand, Green Sun's Zenith, Windswept Heath, Fauna Shaman, Azusa, Lost but Seeking TCGPlayer Decks. You can put them on the stack in any order. “So, which set of arbitrary rules will we be setting for ourselves?” I hear you ask. (“O” is excluded because we already have 2 lands starting with the letter). Deckstats Decks. Kraul Harpooner is a seriously undervalued card, and shines even more when they can be tutored for at instant speed. For example, if we’d like to actually be able to cast Patron of the Orochi, it’s wise to add some more Snakes (with different mana costs) to the deck, so we can tutor them with Yisan and get our cost-reduction because of the Orochi’s Snake Offering. Nobody will expect Resilient Khenra. I like our chances. For one-off effects like, , as they will also help us untap the mana needed to use the ability again. For almost a decade, Wizards of the Coast’s official Commander decks have been a mainstay in the MTG product line. Nesting Dragon not only has landfall, but it also protects a small amount from boardwipes. , especially when we tutor for the right creatures, add one mana of color. Decent-Sized creatures to further accelerate into even better-sized creatures Shape Anew, where we will a! 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