42 Dabei entspricht die Benutzung der Marke den anst ändigen Gepflogenheiten in Gewerbe oder Handel nicht, wenn sie in einer Weise erfolgt, die den Eindruck erwecken kann, dass eine Handelsbeziehung zwischen dem Dritten und dem Inhaber der Marke besteht (Urteil BMW, Randnr. 1 Replies: something is done and done - etwas ist so gut wie erledigt Here’s why. Im Hinblick auf die vier Betriebsarten der Herstellung wird der elektrische Strom. Spanish: así es como se hace esto aquí - así no se hace. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, Denmark will abstain from entering into international agreements which may affect or alter the scope of the Regulations as annexed to this Agreement concerning the determination of responsibility for examining an asylum application or measures concerning the comparison of. get [sth] done v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." a dialog appears where the adopted data can be selected. Germany invaded neutral Belgium on 4 August 1914. "One for da Money" That which independently (unaidedly) does (performs) its own deed (function) is called the doer (agent or Karta); whatever modification is obtained by the subject (the doer) is called its function (Karma); that for which that particular deed is performed or done, is called the receiver (Sampradan karak); the permanent substance out of which that particular function or deed is done or obtained is called the (Apadan) and the permanent cause and the same permanent substance is called the base of the deed (Adhikaran). Except for being arranged in surahs, the Qur'an is divided into thirty equal parts: if you read one part everyday - it might, Abgesehen von der Anordnung in Suren ist der Qur'an in dreißig gleichlange Teile eingeteilt: wenn man jeden Tag einen Teil liest - das, dauert etwas zwischen einer und anderthalb, However, an office may only be resigned at an inauspicious time, Ein Amt darf jedoch nur dann zu Unzeit (insbesondere. The German government has a strong preference for bilateral funding. Germany holidays 2020. zu erklären, ?wie man's macht'". Swift action. (b) directly or indirectly, on any basis whatsoever, hold shares of any kind in a member undertaking; the holding of shares in another undertaking, shall be possible only in so far as it is, b) weder unmittelbar noch mittelbar, aus welchem Grunde auch immer, Anteile oder Aktien gleich welcher Form - an einem Mitgliedsunternehmen halten; das Halten von Anteilen oder Aktien an einem anderen, has been applying the Statistical Subareas defined by FAO, in, Bei den Fangeinheiten hat sich die CCAMLR auf die Statistischen, Figure 3.16: Xabsl state machine of the behavior for calibrating all parameter sets for the motion request they shall, be used for: The real work like choosing the next, Dann hat zum Beispiel die weitere Erhöhung der angesteuerten Abbildung 3.16: Xabsl-Zustandsautomat des Verhaltens zur Kalibrierung aller Parametersätze für ihre jeweils vorgesehene Bewegungsanforderung: Die eigentliche Arbeit, wie die Wahl des nächsten Parametersatzes oder die, The most significant improvement to the impulsing, occurs when the pendulum is passing through. über den Vergleich von Fingerabdrücken von. Germany channels the majority of its ODA bilaterally . If something is done, or you are done with it, it is finished, or you…. Germany, a model for coming to terms with its past, still struggles with its colonial period. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. direkt übernommen oder es erscheint ein entsprechender Dialog, über den die zu übernehmenden Daten ausgewählt werden können. We use cookies to enhance your experience. The affiliation process in EATA is lead by the President of EATA according to the constitution-, Der Beitrittsprozess ist in der EATAgemäss der Satzun. German is mostly spoken in the European countries. Many translated example sentences containing "this is done in form of" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Cut the cleaned fish into large pieces and cook it in the clear soup at a, Die geputzten Fische in größere Stücke schneiden und in der klaren Suppe bei mäßiger, Wenn Sie die Reglerart "Heizen und Kühlen", function (only up to firmware version 1.34) the Baud rate, Mit der Funktion automatische Baudrateanpassung, (nur bis Firmwareversion 1.34) muss der Parameter. Quality: Last Update: 2018-02-13 Title Writer(s) Producer(s) Length; 1. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. done translation in English-German dictionary. es wird gemacht is the translation in German. Though it was too late to ever ser… 9 Replies: Justice is done/ Justice has been done: Last post 28 May 11, 10:17: Unterschied? From physics and chemistry to cars and consumer products, Germany is a world leader in innovation, boasting leading universities and research institutes alongside major engineering, IT and manufacturing industries. Quality: MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. daß eine negative Wirkung in der Währung (wie zum Beispiel herausnehmenden Geld des Landes) verursacht, oder Einmischen ob zu heben den Wert der Währung oder abzusteigen es, ob durch Änderungen in der Rate des Interesses von der Währung machenden es mehr oder weniger anziehend zu den Ausländern oder dem Kaufen oder verkaufendem theTo SteigenOder, sein Wert im Markt abzusteigen. German-Question-Words (click the link or the image for the full version, pdf) What we’ll do in the rest of the lesson is we’ll go over the words one by one, check out the most important variations and talk about the grammar and structure of these questions. Cookies help us deliver our services. and protects geographical indications such as "Roquefort Cheese" or "Parma Ham" against usurpation of names; "yes" to reductions in our form of export assistance, which is already subject to WTO disciplines, provided other forms of export subsidies are similarly disciplined and reduced; and "yes" to reductions in trade distorting support, provided that WTO members remain free to ensure that their farmers can continue meet the wider goals and expectations of society, such as environment or food safety. Expand your vocabulary, learn German words. den WTO-Disziplinen unterliegenden - Ausfuhrförderung eingewilligt, sofern auch andere. How to Pronounce done with. Look up the English to German translation of done in the PONS online dictionary. German settlers migrated to Canada from the United States in the 1700s. thing to be done translation in English-German dictionary. Nach Hause and zu Hause . Learn more. Formen von Ausfuhrsubvention ähnlichen Disziplinen unterworfen und gesenkt werden, und wir haben uns für den Abbau von wettbewerbsverzerrenden Subventionen ausgesprochen, sofern die WTO-Mitglieder ihren Landwirten weiterhin die Möglichkeit geben können, den umfassenderen Zielen und Erwartungen der Gesellschaft wie z. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. From the next day, civilians were executed en masse, as the invasion force advanced on its first obstacle, the ring of forts around Liège. Practice German … By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Bevölkerung spezifische Tätigkeiten nicht durchführt. 51). its zero position when its kinetic energy is at its maximum and the interference to the freedom of the pendulum is kept to a minimum. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary To retaliate for the shelling from these forts, the German troops rounded up inhabitants of surrounding villages. A company with a recurring print job can use Job, Jackets to make sure the job adheres to its, Ein Unternehmen mit regelmäßigen Druckaufträgen kann. It´s a done deal. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 2, Usage Frequency: 4. Our Advisory Board member, Patrick Rarden , has a German background and decades worth of experience in the German financial markets having worked with industry leaders such as SG Warburg (now part of … aspects to be taken into account: responsibility, descriptors, finding the right language and. and Kangen Water® comes out the discharge hose. Hydraulikschlauch kommt und Kangen Wasser® aus dem Abflussschlauch. betterlooks.co.cr Por lo general, este tratamiento toma dos citas al consultorio de su dentista para ser completado (a veces se puede realizar en solo una) y se lleva a cabo con anestesia local. it's done definition in English dictionary, it's done meaning, synonyms, see also 'done for',have done',have done',be or have done with'. Few countries have contributed so much to science and technology as Germany. 42 In that regard, use of the trade mark will not comply with honest practices in industrial or commercial matters where, fi. Usage Frequency: 4 Raums zu behalten sowie virtuelle Informationen und Bilder hinzuzufügen. B. Umweltschutz und Sicherheit gerecht zu werden. Quality: Last Update: 2018-02-13 Germany also took actions sooner than some other nations to stop the spread of covid-19. It's a good thing what/that you've done ("Lo que") - grammar. das, für das dieser bestimmte Brief durchgeführt oder erfolgt ist, wird den Empfänger genannt (Sampradan karak); die dauerhafte Substanz, aus der heraus diese bestimmte Funktion oder Brief erfolgt oder erhalten ist, wird die (Apadan) und dauerhafte Ursache und die gleiche dauerhafte Substanz wird benannt die Unterseite des Briefes (Adhikaran) genannt. It is done - Es ist vorbei: Last post 27 Sep 10, 21:55: It was then that I realized he repented the ship burning. It is translated from English to German. diesem Übereinkommen und dem in Rede stehenden internationalen Abkommen gefunden. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Many translated example sentences containing "it is done" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. But they can't have done because it's still not working - grammar. [dʌn] past participle of do 2. adjective. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. out his vial into the air, and there came a great voice out of the temple of Heaven, aus seine Schale in die Luft; und es ging aus eine grosse Stimme aus dem Tempel vom, perform specific activities that cause a negative effect. Germany is known among expats for its complicated recycling system —and the dirty German translation of 'done'. prevented by the trade mark proprietor on the. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Cookies help us deliver our services. At Today Translations, we have a broad network of experts, based in both Germany and the UK, on hand to consult and advice on how your business should best approach the German the market. Both of these prepositions are used with Haus(e), but only nach means "to" when used with Haus.The phrase zu Hause means "at home," just as zu Rom means "at/in Rome" in that poetic, old-fashioned type of construction.Note that if you want to say "to my house/place" in German, you say zu mir (zu + dative pronoun) and the word Haus is not used at all! It's lower than the $53,129 enjoyed in the United States and less than the European Union overall at $36,593. 10. Usage Frequency: 1 For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! It's got to be done. Zu berücksichtigende Aspekte: Verantwortung, Deskriptoren, das Finden der richtigen Sprache und der richtigen Haltung, um, enables everyone to benefit from new market opportunities. Das Anbieten könne daher vom Inhaber der Marke, Of the four production modes, when the appliance is set on the, "beauty water" mode, the electric current is, so acidic water comes out the flexible pipe. to get sth done … Cookies help us deliver our services. It's Done is the debut studio album by German boy band Overground.It was released on November 17, 2003 by Cheyenne, Polydor and Zeitgeist. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. consider it done definition: 1. used to say that you will do a particular task immediately: 2. used to say that you will do a…. Germany did not reach its ceiling back then. Verses 17-18 And the seventh angel poured. How to say done with in German? - stellt Reinhard Goebel, der Dirigent dieses imaginären Concert spirituel", augenzwinkernd fest. Learn more. with regard to the relationship between this Agreement and the international agreement in question. The 4 simple reasons Germany is managing Covid-19 better than its neighbors. Recycling. translation in English-German dictionary. Hallo Leute, bedeutet das dasselbe? Contextual translation of "its done" into German. informal (accomplish [sth] ) terminar de hacer algo loc verb locución verbal : Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). Learn the pronounciation done with! German words for done include erledigt, gar, abgemacht, verrichtet, erfolgte, Geschehen, unternommen, vollbracht, geschehen and getan. Germany holidays 2021. Forum discussions with the word (s) "it's done" in the title: and how many years until it's done. In 2018, bilateral funding stood at 78% of total ODA (DAC average: 59%). Dänemark enthält sich des Abschlusses internationaler Abkommen, die möglicherweise den Anwendungsbereich der diesem Übereinkommen beigefügten Verordnungen über die Bestimmung der Zuständigkeit für die Prüfung eines Asylantrags bzw. (= finished) work erledigt ; (= cooked) vegetables gar ; meat durch ; cake durchgebacken. Job Jackets verwenden, um die Einhaltung der Spezifikationen zu gewährleisten, Bearing in mind that, in reality, the new reform of the CAP represents a settlement of the previous stage and, Unter Berücksichtigung der Tatsache, dass die neue Reform der GAP wirklich eine Abrechnung mit der vorhergehenden Etappe bedeutet und die Abrechn, The administration of analgesics admittedly also has disadvantages, for, Die Gabe von Schmerzmitteln hat allerdings, Queen Marie Antoinette was pregnant for the first time - after eight long years of vain endeavors, during which not only Empress Maria Theresia constantly intervened in writing, but also Joseph II himself traveled, personally to Paris to tell his brother-in-law, Goebel, conductor of this imaginary "Concert, Königin Marie Antoinette war zum ersten Mal schwanger - nach acht langen Jahren vergeblicher Bemühungen, in denen nicht nur die Kaiserin Maria Theresia ständig schriftlich, intervenierte, sondern Joseph II. The RKI now believes that its laboratories can produce up to 500,000 tests per week. Most frequent English dictionary requests: This is not a good example for the translation above. Usage Frequency: 2 Germany's GDP per capita was $46,749 in 2017, better than the 2016 average of $45,923. Coronavirus is surging in Europe — but less so in Germany. This includes earmarked funding to multilateral organizations (13%), which is reported as bilateral ODA. Germany's Economic Growth Statistics . and yet add information and images to it in a virtual way. Human translations with examples: ja _, das war's, geschafft, geschafft, it’s done, that's all, get it done. Nulllage schwingt, wenn seine kinetische Energi an seinem Maximum ist und die Störung zur Freiheit des Pendels zu einem Minimum gehalten wird. The German government has passed a law (Elektromobilitätsgesetz) giving e-cars special rights and privileges, for example, for parking, in order to increase their use. procedure or the customs warehousing procedure. a done deal (US) eine abgekartete Sache b (Brit, inf) (=tired out) I'm done (in) ich bin geschafft inf or fertig c it's not the done thing, that's not done das tut man nicht Traducciones en contexto de "it's done" en inglés-español de Reverso Context: it's all done, it's not done, it's been done, show you how it's done, it's a done Translation for 'done its' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. gar in personam, Louis XVI. help the client to gain the state of calmness. In 2017, Germany's GDP growth rate was 2.4% better than it had been in the previous year. No. in the currency (such as removing money of the country), or intervening whether to elevate the value of the currency or to descend it, whether through changes in the rate of interest of the currency doing it more or less attractive to the foreigners or buying or selling theTo rise or to descend its value in the market. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. 1. Das, das unabhängig (unaidedly) (führt) seinen eigenen Brief (Funktion) wird benannt das Handelnd durch (Mittel oder Karta); was Änderung durch das Thema erreicht wird (das Handelnd) wird seine Funktion (Karma) benannt; die erhebliche. By mid February, the arising cluster of cases had been fully contained. done definition: 1. past participle of do 2. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The COVID-19 pandemic in Germany is part of the ongoing worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).On 27 January 2020, the first case in Germany was confirmed near Munich, Bavaria. Easter Sunday (Ostersonntag) in Germany annually celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection after his crucifixion on Good Friday, according to the Christian Bible.People mark the day by attending special church services, giving gifts and sharing festive meals with family members. When it comes to drying, the speed and the right temperature are very important - the more ge, Beim Trocknen sind die Geschwindigkeit und richtige Temperatur sehr wichtig - je schonender, umso besser. Usually, this treatment usually takes two appointments at the dentist's office to be completed (sometimes it's done in just one visit) and is always performed under anesthesia. 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