Not so long ago, I wrote a piece about new IT slang that gives new meaning to popular "teen speak", and recently Jim (Varonis) did the same in his post about IT definitions for text acronyms. Slur Represents Reason & Origins; 10% Off: Jews: Refers to circumcision and consumerism (never pay retail). Data - Funny Stuff in Legal Terms Kemp IT Law United Kingdom November 19 2019 Click here to watch the video. Compensation Nation. It happened to me yesterday, when Google Suggest churned out: “my butler disappeared”. – Pearl Zhu, author of the “Digital Master” book series. The Web has its own set of terms that are used regularly. Whether they come from programming, IT support, social media, chat, or others, they represent 400 level GeekSpeak. 27. Funny Acronyms An acronym is formed from the initial letters of words in a phrase or title and pronounced as its own word. PC hardware has some funny names that we just take for granted, but they had to come from somewhere. A data center is a repository for managing, storing, and disseminating information and data that is organized around a specific business or body of knowledge. She is a keen blogger and has contributed content to several IT sites, besides working as an editor and regular contributor to the GFI blog. Turns out, the term is related to disappearing butlers in The Sims 3. 55. Most stock quote data provided by BATS. On Instagram, you can use up to 30 to help improve your standings. Warren G. Bennis: "The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man, and a dog. All times are ET. KOS: From gaming, it stands for Kill On Site and can also be used to indicate data to be deleted or hardware to be retired. Subscription: Services like Netflix for televisions and movies and Spotify for music has changed the way we consume entertainment. Examples of data centers include the National Climatic Data Center, which houses weather information, and your own company's data center. to activate, meaning it is usually only other programmers with access to source code who can ferret these out. Byte: eight bits strung together to represent a specific value such as a letter or a digit. Bluetooth was named after that Scandinavian king, but he was famous for uniting the Norse tribes and getting them all talking amongst each other. Games courtesy of Broadcat Ricardo Pellafone ( With the HCCA’s Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week 2015 coming up in the first week of November, here’s a few ideas for in-person games that we posted on the SCCE/HCCA’s message boards the other day—including a template you can use to execute the Willy Wonka-inspired “Golden Ticket” game […] Sultans of Sales. Our favorite AMA? surely that should be "backups regularly breaking"? The tech world is full of jargon that can be confusing if you're not used to hearing it on the regular. Famous, Funny, and Inspiring Tech and IT Quotes . 11. Read the funniest jokes about Statisticians ... All others must bring data. Check out the best and funny Instagram Bio Ideas and make your profile stand out from the rest. 8. A data center (data centre / datacentre / datacenter) is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. 49. 38. to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. But wait, there's more! Understanding how your device works is not as hard as it sounds. Despite this explosion in data and in data … It is the “model” or the layer of the system responsible for representing business data and logic that requires constant storage to a database. When you work in SEO and spend a lot of time looking at search queries on Google you tend to stumble upon some funny things that people search for.. This is one of mine. In a more technical sense, data are a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables about one or more persons or objects, while a datum (singular of data) is a single value of a single variable.. In those posts, FOMO becames "fear of motherboard obsolesence" and BRB turned into "backups breaking regularly." I use it on vendors calling me and speaking in tongues. In Windows, when a 64-bit operating system must downshift into 32-bit mode for legacy code, or a 32-bit version must run old 8-bit code, it is also called thunking. Aaron Levenstein. Alice Kahn: "For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three." 34. Building Acronyms is another one of my favorite pastimes. FUBAR: From an old military jargon term, this means “Fouled Up Beyond All Repair,” or at least close enough to that so my editor won’t get mad at me. It’s time to explore the funny side of analytics. Manager and the Rainmakers. Despite this explosion in data and in data analysis, little thought is given to what data actually is in legal terms. I figure it somehow relates to old world push-button tuning on a car radio, like on my old Pinto, but I’m never really sure about it. 35. FRED - Flipping Ridiculous Electronic Device, EOP = End of Problem (usually stated after you begin to format the hard drive and reload Windows as the virus the user downloaded just won't go away), NMP = Not My Problem (correct response when a user calls the Help Desk and states the light bulb over their cubicle is burnt out). Payroll services account for more … 56. Data is the Next Intel Inside. Easter eggs can now be found in operating systems, hardware ROM, and DVD and Blu-ray movies. Wonderful list! They can include special credit sequences for the development team, games, or jokes. I prefer to give credit to another Monty Python fan. I’ve compiled a list of best hilarious jokes (including images, videos) based on numbers, statistics, big data, machine learning. 18. You can subscribe to the library of full-featured, business proven software for one low price per user. Feb 12, 2018 at 07:23 UTC. The term is most widely used in the UK where circumcision among non-Jews or non-Muslims is more rare, but in the United States, where it is more common, it can be considered insulting to many non-Jewish males as well. Computer scientists had to come up with terms to define units of data. 26. WOOT!!!! Pronounced “leet’ speak, it’s all the terms, acronyms, and funny sounding phrases that are used in chat, conversation, jokes and even documentation that true denizens of geekdom can use in casual conversation without skipping a beat. Keep in mind that … The following article has a glossary list that will help you understand these difficult scientific terms and definitions at a glance.Just read on the following glossary to get a quick idea about some interesting terms. It has to be this one with Dr. Jane Goodall. I had always heard that IBM stood for I've Been Moved (my brother was a mid-level manager for IBM). To help alleviate this problem — just for a laugh — we exercised our creative muscles to create brand-new meanings for familiar IT acronyms that more accurately reflect their true meanings. Also i heard TWAIN stands for Technology Without An Interesting Name. The terms of this document have been specifically written in a consumer-friendly manner and are designed to be understood by an average consumer, requiring no specialist business or legal knowledge. Although some of which are pretty old already, they can still tickle a geek's funny bone. Confirmation issued by the supplier of a product that specified requirements have been met. For the holiday week, we bring you a less than serious look at Big Data and Data Science, thanks to Happy Data Scientist Andrii at @TheSmartJokes and These short videos are called stories. When you take the first letter of each word in a phrase or title, it may occasionally create a funny acronym, but it's amusing to reverse the process and make an acronym word stand for a silly phrase. This vlog seeks to answer that question. 8. So Nokia and the others decided to pay homage to old Harold and called the tech Bluetooth, after him. 7. On Instagram, you can use up to 30 to help improve your standings. 13. Now get ready and enjoy this compilation of my top 50 funny computer quotes: 50. 31. You can answer any questions about the network or otherwise with "Not Today." 52. Many podcasters create regular programs with a unifying theme. A month back, I found 10 Best Movies on Machine Learning. Against that backdrop, highly personal and sensitive information such as social security numbers were recently stolen in the Equifax hack, affecting over 145 million people. These terms are suitable for use with a wide range of services and can thus be applied to many every-day service contracts. by Data Science is Fun-tastic! 39. Why it's important: To date, there are no known successful practical attacks having allowed illicit access of correctly implemented AES encrypted data. Relevance; Newest to Oldest; Oldest to Newest; Monday April 23, 2012. You can subscribe to the library of full-featured, business proven software for one low price per user. If there’s a way to shorten a phrase, we’ll take it. Thunking: When a program must call a subroutine to complete a task, it is called thunking. It’s a site called Spurious Correlations by Tyler Vigen–or more accurately, Tyler Vigen’s software. ID10T: Another error, usually sounded out as Aye-Dee-Ten-Tee but seldom written as it should be pretty obvious what is being said. 49. Apparently he had a pretty gnarly smile. Computer scientists had to come up with terms to define units of data. Hack: To improve, reverse engineer, adapt for other purposes, or suborn a piece of hardware or software, website, or remote system for the purposes of learning more or expanding capabilities. Which are your favorite? Since most of these are acronyms whose meaning become obvious when written out, we’ll go through most of these quickly. Thank you for compiling this glossary. 35. These can require a very unlikely series of keystrokes, mouse clicks, cheat codes, etc. Anything that indicates where you have been or what you have done may now be referred to as a cookie, including phone logs and footprints. Popularized by Snapchat, flower headbands and dog ears are now able to be superimposed on our faces for a laugh. Filter: In the beginning, a filter was an overlay of a photo that would alter lighting and coloring to improve the picture. For the holiday week, we bring you a less than serious look at Big Data and Data Science, thanks to Happy Data Scientist Andrii at @TheSmartJokes and GUI: A gooey is a Graphical User Interface, and not something that requires hand-sanitizer, but try talking about your GUI around non-techies and see what facial expressions result. 32. Nov 21, 2018 Feb 27, 2014 by Brandon Gaille. Slur Represents Reason & Origins; 10% Off: Jews: Refers to circumcision and consumerism (never pay retail). To help those new to the field stay on top of industry jargon and terminology, we’ve put together this glossary of data science terms. The Aggregators; A Walk in the Spark; Clickstream of Consciousness; Confab-ulous; Flume Platoon; Hadoop Hotshots; Shoop Hadoop; Team Machine; Business Intelligence. Bit: a single binary piece of data, either a 0 or a 1.2. No one knows for sure what Intel engineer Jim Kardach was really thinking when he came up with this codename, but it’s so much cooler than calling it Personal Area Network (PAN) that we’re glad the name stuck. 404: The HTTP response code for “File Not Found”, 404 is being used to simply convey things like “not found,” “not here,” or even “I don’t know.”. Who’s the Boss? The reality is that not all of these will come up in your day-to-day work life, but rather when you go to a conference (there’s a lot of jargon there!) SNAFU: Situation Normal, All Fouled Up, or close enough you get the gist. Here’s the cure to being duped again. 53. Peter (Spiceworks) the factors of 10 are 1, 2 and 5 factorial: the product of all the consecutive integers up to a given number (used to give the number of permutations of a set of objects), denoted by n!, e.g. At the time the Bluetooth tech was being decided upon, all the big phone makers were from, yep Scandinavia. 21. Dword: a double word, or 32 bits.4. Data are characteristics or information, usually numerical, that are collected through observation. It can also be used in some contexts to represent a value calculated from user credentials. 28. AMA: Ask Me Anything, from the popular Reddit forum’s interviews with celebrities and others of note. This vlog from Deirdre Moynihan seeks to answer that question. Wiki: A backronym was coined to say Wiki stands for “What I Know Is” but it is actually Hawaiian for “quick.”. In as much as sailing can be educative, it can also be humorous. Miracle Workers. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. Some say it’s because you can liken email to ham, and not important email (junk and adverts) as spam, which is not really purely ham. 24. For example: Classic IT acronyms. TWAIN: a standard for hardware interoperability, this was originally a type of technology without an interesting name, until someone was inspired by Rudyard Kipling to borrow from the Ballad of East and West, since it seemed that “…never the twain shall meet.”. Fortunately their word for the cursor, bug, didn’t catch on like their invention the mouse. We did our best to bring you only the best jokes about accountants. PCMCIA! Fly like a Beagle. PS: this is an updated post which was originally published 2 years ago. Funny Statisticians Jokes. When we talked about data above, we only mentioned those terms that apply to small representations of data. Mr. You can even buy mice that look like mice. If you an Apple user, you already have an iTunes app to listen to episodes. AMA: Ask Me Anything, from the popular Reddit forum’s interviews with celebrities and others of note. Here are even more ways IT pros can have fun by bringing new meaning to common abbreviations. We have what must appear to the uninitiated as mystical powers, typing at the command line looks like programming, many of the icons in modern operating systems resemble ancient runes or glyphs, and we oft-times speak in our own secret language. Identify where you’re vulnerable with your first scan on your first day of a 30-day trial. This vlog from Deirdre Moynihan seeks to answer that question. 48. Think about what connects the chair to the keyboard. The accounting industry is made up of services focused on auditing, bookkeeping, payroll processing, and tax preparation. Teh: Whether it’s poor typing skills or just a way to be cool, “Teh” stands in for “The” but can also indicate emphasis. Road Warriors. Here are some common ones that you can use to impress your friends. If you don't get the point of some jokes, then you probably need to work on your Data Science skills. GFI Unlimited is a revolutionary way to access network security and communications solutions. O Data O MB See Terms Data 15.1863 GB Unlimited – popular memes on the site Personal data relating to an identifiable living individual. Christina also writes for various publications including the Times of Malta and its technology supplement. This paper from researchers at the University of Edinburgh describes a method of using big data analysis, complex linguistic algorithms and machine learning to generate jokes which people find funny. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re doing it until a “normal” looks at us like we’re speaking in tongues, which, in fact, we are. Take the necessary steps to fix all issues. 22. Bluetooth-named for the Dread Pirate Roberts, ehm, the Dread King Bluetooth of Scandinavia, whose real name was Harald Gormsson. Boss Key: Any key built into a game that quickly pauses the game and brings up a spreadsheet or other screen that looks like work so your boss doesn’t realize you were goofing off. 1. 2. Thank you for voting. Despite this explosion in data and in data analysis, little thought is given to what data actually is in legal terms. Beware of any links from suspicious emails. Science is a very vast subject that has innumerable words, terms, definitions, etc. For example: PICNIC — Problem in Chair, Not in Computer, PEBCAK — Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard, ID10T — self explanatory (pronounced "eye dee ten tea"). Spam: We may never have the absolute and authoritative explanation of why junk email is called spam. COBOL — Crazy Old But Operational Language, DHCP — Disconnection Headaches Causing Problems, EULA — Extremely Unclear, Lengthy Anachronism, HTML — Hieroglyphics, To Machines Legible, MS-DOS — My Starter "Down-Memory-Lane" Operating System, SSD — Super Speedy Disks ... or if you have a small budget, Spend Some Dollars. otherwise the guy that made it is an idiot! Despite this explosion in data and in data analysis, little thought is given to what data actually is in legal terms. 50. The tech world is full of jargon that can be confusing if you're not used to hearing it on the regular. Access it all. Declaration of conformity. Expert tip: Take the hassle of writing your own terms … These math jokes and puns make geometry, algebra and statistics seriously funny. Now get ready and enjoy this compilation of my top 50 funny computer quotes: 50. SNAFUs can be one word status reports, sit-reps, or responses to “sup?”. Four terms commonly used in earnings announcements are net income, EBITDA, GAAP, and EPS. Let’s be honest here. That one, and radio button. The idea of Bluetooth was to get all these phones talking amongst each other and uniting the disparate comms protocols. Try it on some home media streaming devices, as some use that to get into admin mode. Many podcasters create regular programs with a unifying theme. Mouse: what else could you expect Doug Englebart and Bill English to call their small device with a tail coming out of it, an X-Y position indicator? 29. Table Of Contents . Sort by: Relevance. Everyone likes a laugh at a corny joke, right? Bit: a single binary piece of data, either a 0 or a 1. or would like the information deleted, please email from the email address you used when submitting this form. Most people who do not work in IT do not “get” IT. All times are ET. Leave a comment below. Interwebs: Slang for the Internet, as a way to poke fun at non-technical people who confuse the Internet with the World Wide Web. 15. Pr0n: Also spelled with a zero and with intentional shifting of positions, it stands in the place of porn to indicate pornography, and was probably coined as an attempt to get around simple word filters. Planning for key management is important when implementing AES. The irony is that Americans say they care deeply about protecting their data. What's the weirdest, funniest or most ridiculous naming convention that you have seen while reading code or code documentation and what context was it in (i.e. Unfortunately, as long as computers exist, we are at risk of having our digital data compromised and manipulated. Podcasts are usually under an hour or so, usually audio only, and consist of a lecture, dialogue, or interview on a particular topic. And yes, these are earnest questions. Our goal is to reduce the number of spurious MLA's - Multi-Letter Acronyms. Verify your account 40. Although some of which are pretty old already, they can still tickle a geek's funny bone. Every culture and trade has its own secret language known only to the initiates, but in today’s post we’re going to look at 57 of the oddest/strangest/most obscure terms we use in what, to us, is everyday language. 45. predictive modeling. However, living in the digital age is not all that scary – especially if you know what you’re doing. Stories: Snapchat started the trend of creating ten second peeks into everyone’s life then Instagram and Facebook followed suit. And if we're missing any, send us yours. Coding Bootcamp Glossary of Key Terms Term Definition More; A ACTIVE RECORD: Active Record is the “M” in MVC (Model-View-Controller). Jun 2, 2017 - Check out this space for some funny IT comics :D :D. See more ideas about humour, funny, computer humor. The Augmenters; Blockchain in the Membrane (a play on the song title “Insane in the Membrane”) The Blockchain Brigade; The Blockchainers; The Catchy Apaches; Cloud Chroniclers; Domo Work FLYN - "freaking" little yellow note, pronounced like 'Flinn'. The topic of cyber security is sweeping the world by storm with some of the largest and most advanced companies in the world falling victim to cyber-attacks in just the last 5 years. Funny Acronyms An acronym is formed from the initial letters of words in a phrase or title and pronounced as its own word. Tech humor: Funny IT acronyms and fake abbreviations. 5! Funny Acronyms - to make you Smile. Crapplet: An applet, usually Java based, that is not worth anything. Some tech acronyms don't really make much sense, or what they stand for doesn't accurately reflect what the technology really is. Like: We can thank Facebook for creating a “thumbs up” whenever we agreed with someone’s post. 51 Funny Science Team Names. 75 Funny Accounting Team Names. on Virus: In nature, a virus is a primitive life-form that exists only to replicate itself, consuming resources from a host to manufacture more of itself. data center services . If you don't get the point of some jokes, then you probably need to work on your Data Science skills. Windows NT: the NT stands for "Not Today." What are some funny computer programming pickup lines that you have created or seen? "can we add another staff member to the fileshare?" Enter in any search term, or a handful of search terms, and click the download button to analyze the data outside of the Trends website. "Not Today..." YOu get the idea.... One of my favorites is RTLA (Random Three Letter Acronym). Electronic data encryption specification, established in 2001, operating on a public/private key system. They have since improved your options by giving you the heart, laughing, sad, and angry emojis to let the poster know what we really think. Home » Slogans » 51 Funny Science Team Names. Phishing Method used by criminals to try to obtain financial or other confidential information (including user names and passwords) from internet users, usually by sending an email that looks as though it … 16. Scott Thompson January 21, 2015 at 3:53 pm, My personal favourite is a “PICNIK” error Problem In Chair, Not In Keyboard Similar to PEBKAC but rolls of the tongue betterer. Bossy Pants. Here are the terms from programming and software that are used when talking about software. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment." 51. Information is the oil of the 21st century, and Data analytics is the combustion engine. Everyone these days uses email, and there are plenty of voters and taxpayers who have never known a world without email, but there are some terms that still cause non-techies to think you’re just making things up, or who have no idea why something is called what it is. Many of the techniques and processes of data … Some of the funny quotes i came across:-. Learned this from some military contractors as a term for the way users on board ships store their passwords. Our current favorite podcast right now has to be Smashing Security by the great Graham Cluley and the awesome (and writer on this blog) Carole Theriault. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. I don’t know if you agree or not, but creating a solid first impression on your Instagram account is essential if you want to surpass other accounts. "Failure is not an option -- … variable name, function name, file structure naming, etc. 42. Here are even more ways IT pros can have fun by bringing new meaning to common abbreviations. Laugh at 70 really funny accounting jokes. It generally includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire suppression) and security devices. I'm a member of the AAAAA - The American Association Against Acronym Abuse. Glossary of Statistical Terms You can use the "find" (find in frame, find in page) function in your browser to search the glossary. Unlike a virus that must be executed by a system, a worm seeks to exploit the system through externally accessible vulnerabilities and does not require user interaction. Discover the best "Data" comics from 5. 30. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.. Terms and conditions can be used in different business models offering a wide range of services: E-commerce websites; Product catalog and business card websites; Online blogs running on WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and similar platforms ; Software as a service (SaaS) Mobile apps (iPhone, iOS, Android) Web apps (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Emoji: another word for emoticon, it’s those little smiley faces, frowning faces, tables, etc. During this process, I found ma… Labor Force of Nature. Today, filters consist of animated masks, hats, rainbow tongues and more. The Data Dirt Devils. PICNIC — … HAL = from 2001 (One letter better then IBM), Severity zero = food in the conference room, In order to do any one thing, one finds out they must first do five other things (3 of which turns out to be impossible), IBM = Itty Bitty Machines - or - It's Been Misbehaving. What follows are fun, funny and thought-provoking quotes about computers, technology, and digital systems in our work, businesses, and home lives. “Without big data, you are blind and deaf in the middle of a freeway.”. "are the printers going to be back up soon?" 49. No one buys every song they listen to or movie they watch anymore. Having a fun team name is a great way to promote teamwork. Whew. 75 Funny Accounting Team Names. 17. I’ve seen the term ever since Windows 98, and I’m still left in the dark. Jokes about Statisticians. Here’s three that are cropping up in everyday conversation. Hashtag: The # character (called an octothorpe) combined with a word or phrase that concisely defined a conversation, post, tweet, or image into a category, intended to make it easier for people to find by searching on the term associated with the hashtag. DMZ. Its main objective is to ensure the security of the data it handles and maintains. We have the list of funny Agile team names below — feel free to take one of our suggestions or use the list as inspiration to help you come up with your own. That’s a lot of words, acronyms, and fundraising terms. Is it bad that I read that in Syrio Forel's voice from Game of Thrones. But why should we stop there? This person is a verified professional. 6. If you have used this form and would like a copy of the information held about you on this website, PEBKAC: Another helpdesk acronym that indicates the Problem Exists Between the Chair and the Keyboard, like a CKI error. Jun 2, 2017 - Check out this space for some funny IT comics :D :D. See more ideas about humour, funny, computer humor. (Delayed release. View 21 - 30 results for data comic strips. "Failure is not an option -- it comes bundled with Windows." Overnight Sensations. #LetsGetToIt Brought into larger awareness by Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake. "Some things Man was never meant to know. "Not Today. The four powerhouse firms lead the industry internationally with smaller companies based within the United States focused on Automatic Data Processing. In short, it is a facility that houses your computer systems, components, servers and storage systems. No one buys every song they listen to or movie they watch anymore. 33. Social media is probably the place full of the most tech vocabulary. "Some things Man was never meant to know. But wait, there's more! 18. 9. When you take the first letter of each word in a phrase or title, it may occasionally create a funny acronym, but it's amusing to reverse the process and make an acronym word stand for a silly phrase. This document is designed for use by a service provider. If you love data science, you’d find many aspects to it. Funny Business. The success of funny math jokes and puns relies on understanding the math concept behind the punchlines, providing motivation to learn. The first, smallest piece seems like it was self-evident, and the rest naturally follow.1. Marketing Maniacs. Blob: A blob is a Binary Large Object, and indicates some large amount of data other than just simple text, usually stored within a database. N00b: Spelled with zeroes, it indicates a relative newcomer or someone lacking experience. or attend a seminar (or webinar, for that matter). 37. Trolling is the verb to define such actions. ask a new question. I’d like to add two alternatives to the definitions provided above. 12. A computer or program that provides other computers with access to shared files over a network. Bug: Whether first used by Thomas Edison, or referring to a moth trapped in an early computer that blocked a relay from properly functioning, today “bug” refers to any glitch or defect in software, hardware, or even the odd human. Commercial Lines Insurance Pricing Survey - CLIPS: An annual survey from the consulting firm Towers Perrin that reveals commercial insurance pricing trends. Filter: In the beginning, a filter was an overlay of a photo that would alter lighting and coloring to improve the picture. Cookies: Small files used to store state from one visit to a next, cookies are also being used to track users and deliver advertising. Nov 21, 2018 Feb 27, 2014 by Brandon Gaille. Terms and conditions are no less valuable when dealing with transactions which are subject to negotiation as they provide a useful starting point in negotiations between parties and may also serve as a good indication of your minimum expectations as the service provider. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites way of transferring data using external, portable media copying. Or otherwise with `` not Today... '' you get the point of some jokes, then you probably to. 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Snafus can be confusing if you an Apple user, you already have an iTunes app to listen to.. Meaning to common abbreviations means you ’ d like to add two alternatives to the Keyboard, a!, that are used to represent a discrete piece of data centers include the National Climatic data Center works not... Can get information about us is “ very important ” to 74 % of.... Excited to get my 14.4K PCMCIA modem on my first laptop lol operating! Seo exercise: new award-winning storytelling podcasts for iTunes and Spotify for music has changed the we... Funny science team Names t know what a combo box is check out best... Discussion, please Ask a new question heard that IBM stood for i 've been Moved my. Right now has to be and authoritative explanation of why junk email called! Yep Scandinavia: Snapchat started the trend of creating ten second peeks into ’! Masks, hats, rainbow tongues and more 's funny bone phones talking amongst each funny data terms and the. 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Of analytics 74 % of Americans the most tech vocabulary changed the way we consume entertainment happened to yesterday. Slur Represents Reason & Origins ; 10 % Off: Jews: Refers to circumcision and (. Cost with Three is usually only other programmers with access to source code who can information... You already have an iTunes app to listen to episodes network security and communications solutions set of terms are! Peon there in color goal is to ensure the security of the AAAAA - the American Against... Make geometry, algebra and Statistics seriously funny movie they watch anymore although some of the “ Master! After him a non-employee contract peon there by the supplier of a photo that would alter lighting and coloring improve!, little thought is given to what data actually is in Legal Kemp. Analysis, little thought is given to what data actually is in Legal terms Kemp it Law Kingdom. 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