DIN 18234-1大型屋顶防火测试–标准名称
DIN 18234-1 Fire safety of large roofs for buildings – Fire exposure from below – Part 1: Definitions, requirements and tests; Roof areas without openings
DIN 18234-1建筑物大型屋顶的防火安全.从下部起火.第1部分:定义、要求和试验.封闭式屋顶区
DIN 18234-1大型屋顶防火测试–标准简介
DIN 18234-1本文件规定了无开口区域内从下方暴露于火灾的屋顶的非通风屋顶的术语和要求、试验方法。根据本标准进行试验的屋顶的安全等级与根据DIN4102第2部分进行试验的耐火等级为F30的建筑材料的安全等级不可比。
The document specifies terms and requirements for non-ventilated roofs with roofings exposed to fire from below within areas without openings; it also specifies a test method for these requirements. The safety level of a roof tested in accordance with this standard is not comparable with the safety level of building materials of the fire resistance class F 30 according to DIN 4102 part 2.
DIN 18234-1大型屋顶的防火安全–相关标准
DIN 18531-1屋顶, 阳台和走道防水. 第1部分: 不可利用和可利用屋顶. 执行和设计要求及原则
DIN 18234-3 – Fire safety of large roofs for buildings – Fire exposure from below – Part 3: Roof penetrations and roof edges – Requirements and testing
DIN 18234-3 建筑物大型屋顶的防火安全。从下部起火。第3部分:屋顶穿透和屋顶边缘。要求和试验