BS 7346-3烟幕规范

BS 7346-3烟幕规范– 标准名称

BS 7346-3: Components for smoke and heat control systems-Part 3: Specification for smoke curtains.
BS 7346-3:烟和热控制系统部件,第3部分:烟幕规范

BS 7346-3烟幕规范– 标准简介


BS 7346的这一部分规定了作为防烟系统的一部分,在建筑物中安装的固定或自动防烟幕和通道屏蔽的要求。这些屏幕可以是固定的,也可以是自动操作的。


This Part of BS 7346 specifies requirements for fixed or automatic smoke curtains and channeling screens that are intended to be installed in buildings as part of a smoke control system. These screens may be either fixed or automatically operated

BS 7346-3烟幕规范– 引用标准

BS 476-20 Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures – Part 20: Method for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Elements of Construction
BS 476-20:建筑材料和结构的防火试验。第20部分:建筑构件防火性的测定方法

BS 9991 Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings – Code of practice
BS 9991:住宅建筑设计、管理和使用中的防火安全。实施规程

BS 9999 Fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings – Code of practice
BS 9999:建筑物设计、管理和使用中的防火安全。操作规程

BS 7346-3烟幕规范– 相关标准

BS ISO 21927-5:2018 Smoke and heat control systems.Part 5: Powered smoke exhaust systems. Requirements and design
BS ISO 21927- 5:18 烟和热控制系统。第5部分:动力排烟系统。需求和设计

BS ISO 21927-7:2017 Smoke and heat control systems. Part 7: Smoke ducts sections
BS ISO 21927- 7:17烟和热控制系统。第七部分:烟管部分

BS EN 12101-1. Smoke and heat control systems. Part 1. Specification for smoke barriers
BS EN 12101 – 1:烟和热控制系统。第1部分:防烟板规范