AS 5113 Australian Standard Fire propagation testing and classification of external walls of buildings

AS 5113 Australian Standard Fire propagation testing and classification of external walls of buildings


This Standard sets out the procedures for the fire propagation testing and classification of external walls of buildings according to their tendency to limit the spread of fire via the external wall and between adjacent buildings.

This Standard is applicable to fire propagation via all external vertical or near vertical surfaces and covers all types of external wall systems, including façades, outer skins, core materials, cavities and attachments.

This Standard does not address the fire resistance and load bearing capacity of externalwalls, the fire hazard properties of internal surfaces or the impact of combustible construction on the fire severity of a fire occurring within a building.


The following are the normative documents referenced in this Standard:

NOTE: The Bibliography in Appendix D provides details of documents that may be referred to for additional information.

AS 1530 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures
AS 1530.4 Part 4: Fire-resistance test of elements of construction
AS 2484 Fire—Glossary of terms
AS 2484.1 Part 1: Fire tests
ISO 13785 Reaction-to-fire tests for façades
ISO 13785-2 Part 2: Large-scale test
ISO 13943 Fire safety—Vocabulary
BS 8414 Fire performance of external cladding systems
BS 8414-1 Part 1: Test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems applied to the masonry face of a building
8414-2 Part 2: Test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems fixed to and supported by a structural steel frame .
