BS 4790 Method for Determination of the effects of a small source of ignition on textile floor coverings (hot metal nut method)
BS 4735 Laboratory method of test for Assessment of the horizontal burning characteristics of specimens no larger than 150 mm× 50 mm× 13 mm (nominal) of cellular plastics and cellular rubber materials when subjected to a small flame
BS 4735 Laboratory method of test for Assessment of the horizontal burning characteristics of specimens no larger than 150 mm× 50 mm× 13 mm (nominal) of cellular plastics and cellular rubber materials when subjected to a small flame
BS 4066-3 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions — Part 3: Tests on bunched wires or cables
BS 4066-3 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions — Part 3: Tests on bunched wires or cables
BS 2782-2 Methods of testing Plastics — Part 1: Thermal properties — Method 140A: Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source
BS 2782-2 Methods of testing Plastics — Part 1: Thermal properties — Method 140A: Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source
BS 2782-0 Methods of testing plastic Part 0: Introduction
BS 2782-0 Methods of testing plastic Part 0: Introduction
BS 476-23 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 23: Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure
BS 476-23 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 23: Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure
BS 476-22 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 22: Methods for determination ofthe fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction
BS 476-22 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 22: Methods for determination ofthe fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction
BS 476-21 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 21: Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction
BS 476-21 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 21: Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction
BS 476-20 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 20: Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles)
BS 476-20 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 20: Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles)
BS 476-12 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 12: Method of test for ignitability of products by direct flame impingement
BS 476-12 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 12: Method of test for ignitability of products by direct flame impingement