NF P92-503: Safety against fire: Building materials – Reaction to fire tests. Electrical burner test used for flexible materials NF P92-503:建筑材料 – 燃烧反应:柔性材料燃烧性能测试
NFP 92-504测定建筑构件火焰蔓延速度(法国标准)
NF P 92-504: speed of spread of flame test used for the materials which are not intended to be glued on a rigid substrate. NF P 92-504:建筑物—建筑对火反应特性试验—耐火性能试验和火焰蔓延速度测试
NFP 92-505使用融滴试验对热熔材料进行特性测试(法国标准)
NF P 92-505: Dripping test with electrical radiator, used for melting materials. NF P 92-505:建筑物- 建筑对火反应特性试验—对热融材料进行的试验:熔滴试验。
NFP 92-507建筑材料和装饰材料对火的反应进行分类测试(法国标准)
NF P92-507: 建筑物-建筑材料和装饰材料-根据对火的反应进行分类 NF P92-507: Building- Construction and furnishing materials- Classification according to reaction to fire
BS476-4: Fire tests on building materials and structures- Part 4: Non-combustibility test for materials BS476-4: 产品的阻燃防火测试-不燃测试
BS 476-5 建筑构件-点燃性防火测试(英国标准)
BS 476-5建筑材料和构件防火测试,第五部分:点燃性测试 BS 476-5 Fire tests in building materials and structures Part 5: method of test for ignitability
BS476-6 建筑构件及材料产品火焰传播防火测试(英国标准)
BS476-6: Fire Tests on Building materials and structures – Method of test for fire propagation for products BS476-6: 建筑材料和建筑构件阻燃防火测试 – 产品火焰传播的测试方法
BS 476-7 建筑制品产品火焰表面燃烧性能防火测试(英国标准)
BS476-7: Fire Tests on Building materials and structures – Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products BS476-7: 建筑材料和建筑构件阻燃防火测试 – 产品火焰表面燃烧的等级测定
BS 476-20建筑构件耐火的测试方法- 一般原理(英国标准)
BS 476-20建筑材料和建筑构件防火测试 – 第20部分. 建筑元件耐燃的测定方法(一般原理) BS 476-20Fire Tests on Building materials and structures – Part 20. Method of test for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (General principles)
BS 476-21承重建筑构件耐火极限防火测试(英国标准)
BS476-21: Fire test on building materials and structures-Part 21: Method for Determination of the fire resistance of load bearing elements of construction. BS476-21: 建筑材料和构件的防火测试-第21部分: 承重材料耐火性测试