EN 45545-2 R9气囊/车轮/橡胶防火

EN45545-2 Railway applications – Fire protection of railway vehicles-Part 2: Requirement for fire behavior of materials and components EN45545-2铁路应用-铁路车辆的防火保护 – 材料和元件的防火要求(R9)

EN 45545-2 R14易燃液体防火测试

EN45545-2 Railway applications – Fire protection of railway vehicles-Part 2: Requirement for fire behavior of materials and components EN45545-2铁路应用-铁路车辆的防火保护 – 材料元件防火要求 (R14)

EN 45545-2 R18 乘客座椅防火

  EN45545-2 Railway applications – Fire protection of railway vehicles-Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviour of materials and components EN45545-2铁路应用-铁路车辆的防火保护 -材料和元件的防火要求(R18)

EN 45545-2 R19 工作人员座椅防火

 EN45545-2 Railway applications – Fire protection of railway vehicles-Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviour of materials and components EN45545-2铁路应用-铁路车辆的防火保护-材料和元件的防火要求(R19)