ISO 10294-5膨胀防火阀耐火试验

ISO 10294-5:Fire resistance tests – Fire dampers for air distribution systems –Part 5:Intumescent fire dampers
ISO 10294-5:耐火试验用于空气调节系统的防火阀第5部分:膨胀型防火阀

ISO 10294-5膨胀防火阀耐火试验 – 适用范围

本部分描述了与膨胀型防火阀有关的测试要求。它确定了为适应ISO 10294-1(旨在用于机械风门)中描述的测试方法以适应膨胀型防火风门而需要进行的细微修改。包括其他测试以评估膨胀型防火阀的运行可靠性。

This part of ISO 10294-5 describes the test requirements related to intumescent fire dampers. It identifies the minor modifications needed to adapt the test method described in ISO 10294-1 (which was intended for mechanical dampers) to suit intumescent fire dampers. Additional tests are included to give an assessment of the operational reliability of intumescent fire dampers.

This test is intended for intumescent fire dampers that are expected to be classified as EI dampers in accordance with ISO 10294-2. Without the addition of a mechanical damper, they are unable to achieve the “S” classification, which includes a leakage limit imposed at ambient temperatures.