CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.2 Methodes pour epreuves textiles – Resistance a la flamme – Essai de brulage en surface
CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.2 纺织品试验方法-阻燃试验:表面燃烧试验
CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.2 纺织品点燃性试验-标准介绍
当在其表面之一上施加火焰时,该方法评估织物的耐火性。 它不适用于热塑性织物。
根据此方法测试和评估产品可能需要使用可能有害的材料或设备。 本文档无意涉及与使用安全有关的所有方面。 使用此方法之前,应由该方法的用户从主管当局获取信息并采取有效的安全措施。
The present method makes it possible to evaluate the fire resistance of a fabric when a flame is applied to one of its surfaces. It does not apply to thermoplastic fabrics.
Testing and evaluating a product against this method may require the use of materials or equipment that may be hazardous. This document does not intend to deal with all aspects related to the safety of its use. It is up to the user of the method to obtain information from the competent authorities and to adopt health and safety practices in accordance with the regulations in force before using it.
CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.2 纺织品点燃性试验-其他标准
BS 7175: 非室内座椅用软垫家具的阻燃防火规范
BS 7177: 床垫,衬垫和床用沙发的阻燃防火规范
BS 5852: 通过灼烧和点燃评估软垫座椅燃烧性能的测试方法
EN 597: 家具. 床垫和软垫床具的燃烧评估