ULC CAN-S137 Standard method of test for fire growth of mattresses (Open flame test)
ULC CAN-S137床垫火焰增长的标准试验方法(明火试验)
ULC CAN-S137床垫明火测试 – 标准概述
ULC CAN-S137本试验方法的目的是在通风良好的条件下,通过测量床垫在规定的火源下的特定燃烧试验响应,研究床垫抵抗快速放热的能力。本试验方法仅适用于成品床垫和床垫套件,不适用于所用单个部件材料的试验,如贴面和软垫材料、泡沫、棉絮等。
The purpose of this test method is to investigate the ability of mattresses to resist rapid heat release by measuring specific fire test responses when the mattress or maittress set is subjected to a specified flaming ignition source under well ventilated conditions.
This test method is applicable only to the finished mattresses and mattress sets and does not apply to testing of individual component materials used, such as ticking and upholstery materials, foams, cotton battings, etc.
ULC CAN-S137床垫明火测试–相关标准
16 CFR1633床垫套件明火燃烧测试
ASTM E1590 床垫防火测试(明火)
EN597-2 床垫明火燃烧测试
BS7177 垫子,沙发和床垫防火规范
CAN/CGSB-4.2 NO.27.7: 床垫燃烧性能测试
TB 121: 高危险居所床垫防火测试
NFPA 267 床垫和床上用品组件的燃烧测试
TB 129公共场所用床垫阻燃测试
TB 603美国加州床垫阻燃标准