学术论文:高性能纤维的锥形量热仪研究 –聚苯唑和对位芳纶纤维的应用
Cone calorimeter study of high performance fibres—application to polybenzazole and p-aramid fibres
高性能纤维的锥形量热仪研究 -聚苯唑和对位芳纶纤维的应用
作者:Bourbigot, Serge, Xavier Flambard, Franck Poutch, et Sophie Duquesne
发表:Polymer Degradation and Stability 74, no 3 (2001): 481 486. doi:10.1016/S0141-3910(01)00175-6
This work investigates the fire behaviour of high performance fibres. Poly-p-phenylenediamine-terephtalamide fibres (PPT) and poly(p-phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole) (PBO) fibres as knitted fabrics are evaluated using the cone calorimeter as fire model. The investigation of the fire performance of the PPT and PBO fibres shows the excellent behaviour of PBO in comparison with PPT. The contribution to fire growth of PBO is very low whatever the external heat flux is. In comparison with PPT, smoke obscuration of PBO is dramatically reduced as well as the production of carbon oxides during the combustion of the materials.
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